Thursday, December 6, 2007

Renting a boat at Flamingo

Back in June I took a fishing trip to Flamingo with my dad and I wanted to make sure to write something about it. I highly recommend this trip. You can spread the costs with 4 people and it's a good bargain for your money.

$150 Boat rental for entire day
$30 Bait, ice, Drinks, lunch.
Total $180

We arrived at Flamingo in Everglades National Park at around 7am. We rented a skiff and headed out. They only let you take the boat on the inside and there are some restrictions regarding how far you are allowed to go, but it's still plenty of space to get lost. We headed up the canal into Coot Bay then out Tarpon Creek.Unfortunately most of what you'll catch here is catfish. We started out heading West and made a circle back to Tarpon Creek. Then we decided to explore to the East side. There's a maze of creeks and canals that you can get lost in east of Tarpon Creek. Being low in gas we decided to not go too far and ankered in the middle of one of the first tidal creeks.

That's the spot we wished we had found first. We brought in some good size tasty snappers and several groupers that we threw back in. The fish were biting lake crazy for about an hour straight up until a small shark came by and scared everything away. Having spent enough time out there we headed back in with a good number of snappers in the cooler.

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